1. I just started working for an APS Program, can I apply for the NAPSA Training Certificate?
Applicants need a minimum of two years of full-time or four years of part-time APS field experience to obtain the Certificate.
2. What documentation is necessary for me to show that I have completed one or more of the NAPSA Modules?
Please submit the checklist that is attached with the application as well as your transcripts confirming that you completed all the required modules.
3. I’m not an APS Professional, but am considering applying; can I take the NAPSA training courses?
Yes, you can. However, you cannot obtain the NAPSA Training Certificate unless you have worked as an APS Professional for at least two years full-time, or four years part-time.
4. I completed some of these NAPSA trainings prior to applying for the NAPSA Training Certificate; can I get credit for those trainings that will count toward achieving my Certificate?
NAPSA Training Certificate applicants may request training credit for NAPSA Modules successfully completed up to two years prior to their date of application to the NAPSA Certificate Program. To obtain this credit, documentation must be submitted along with the other required documentation at the time of completion.
5. What if I complete all of the modules required, but have not been an APS Worker for two years yet? Can I get my Certificate early?
No, only APS Professionals with at least two years full-time or four year part-time field experience qualify for The NAPSA Certificate. Employment verification must be provided by your supervisor or manager.
6. How much does the NAPSA Certificate Program cost?
For individuals and groups, the total cost is $100 per applicant, which includes a $50 application fee and a $50 certification fee.
7. Do I need to send in proof of my training module completions after each module I complete?
No. Please send proof of completion of all modules at once with your application after you have completed all the modules.
8. Do experienced APS professionals who have completed all of the NAPSA Modules, or have equivalent training, need to take the NAPSA Modules?
Experienced workers who have taken training in the past have two options:
- Option #1: APS professionals who have taken NAPSA training within the two years prior to applying to the NAPSA Training Certificate Program can submit documentation of NAPSA modules completed up to two years prior to their application along with the rest of their documentation when all requirements have been completed.
- Option #2: Experienced APS professionals who have been employed with their programs for at least five years and have completed NAPSA (or equivalent) training more than two years prior to applying to the Certificate Program, may request that their supervisors verify their status and employment and apply to be granted access to “test-out” questions any of the modules. Applicants may receive credit for up to three modules by passing the ‘test-out’ exam for that/those modules. In order to obtain credit or completion of the modules in this fashion, all module “test-outs” must be completed with a score of at least 80%. To obtain access to this “test-out” option, contact admin@napsa-now.org.
9. How can I take the courses?
NAPSA’s certificate program course requirements can be completed through eLearnings at the National APS Training Center. The center provides free eLearnings for APS. People can access the courses at https://natc.totaragovcloud.com/.
10. How can I obtain an invoice prior to submitting payment?
If you have completed all the required modules and experience, please email accounting@napsa-now.org requesting an invoice.
11. Where do I submit my application packet after I have completed all the requirements?
Please email cert@napsa-now.org with your application, checklist, transcripts and other applicable documents.